Danielle Lancashire

I’m a sucker for a sunset, especially when you get a sky this pretty.

A sunset over Manhattan as seen from Williamsburg. The sky is awash with pastels. The city is full of lights on otherwise dark buildings.

A rare self portrait

A yellow brick wall is adorned with a small dirty mirror and above it sits a bright tube light. In the mirror you can see a girl in a yellow shirt taking a photo directly into the mirror.

Gone fishing ๐Ÿ“ธ

Two men stand on a rocky outcrop in a river, one holding a fishing rod. The water is fast moving. A bridge is next to the fishermen. The forground and background are thick with trees.

Really gonna miss the PNW when I leave tomorrow - Brandenburg nominally has a bunch of forest areas, but the flatness and lack of natural features mean they get old pretty quick.

You can’t always pick your conditions when doing landscape photography, and this was a difficult scene to pull contrast between mountain tops and the sky from, but I like the way it kinda works in b/w. ๐Ÿ“ธ

A black and white photo looking over a valley. The bottom of the valley has a small river running through it. The walls of the valley are dense with trees, to the point that it can be difficult to discern them. As you look towards the tops of the valleys, they fade from trees into snow and ice capped peaks filled with texture. The sky is overcast and blotchy.

Yesterday a friend took me to Mt Rainier for the first time and I think I have a new favourite place on earth. I still need to give this photo a bit more of a Lr pass, but it’s one I’m excited about because it involved going over the water on a fallen tree “bridge” ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ“ธ

Yesterday I got to watch some glassblowing up close and it was incredible (and Iโ€™ve now booked an introductory class ๐Ÿ™ˆ) ๐Ÿ“ธ

A man shaping a glass vaseA man spinning out a glass vase

We didn’t get to see the aurora at its peak on Friday bc of the clouds (and I was too sick to go far enough to escape them), but we got to briefly see the aurora on Saturday <3 ๐Ÿ“ธ

The aurora borealis between two trees over a shadow-y lake

Spring is finally here ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ“ท

Flowers in bloom with an out of focus background of green trees and the edge of a birthday party in the park

๐Ÿ“ท Moody Friend.

A crow perched on the Millennium Bridge, looking over a London Skyline under dramatic cloudy skies.

The term “Content Creator” really needs to die before AI finishes killing the arts - people devaluing themselves and their work by reducing it to “content” to be mindlessly consumed is what lets arbitrarily generated mediocrity win ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I do love to make unexpected friends on winter walks โ„๏ธ๐Ÿฟ๏ธ๐Ÿ“ท

Framed between two tree trunks is a snow topped birdhouse topped with snow. In the birdhouse is a squirrel munching on a nut.

I’ve been posting too many sunset photos (I’m not that sorry) - but I’m really tempted to make some wallpapers out of this.

Mainland Spain, Gibraltar, and Ceuta in a single shot on a clear day is pretty beautiful tbqh.

Marbella, December 2023.

A sunset over Spain, Gibraltar, and Ceuta. The sea is rough but painterly, with swashes of blues and whites. The sky is a gradient of deep orange on the horizon going through yellow to blue hour hues.

A Christmas Orange

Marbella, December 2023 - Kodak Gold 200.

A large angel statue playing a trumpet framed and partially obscured by orange trees on the left and right of the frame.

more film from Andalusia - sunsets and mountains (also I think my first roll of Kodak Gold in 120).

The sun setting over the ocean. In the midground a rock formation goes across the frame, with people stood fishing in the middle. In the distance you see the further coastline, lit in golden light, with a mountain to the right.

I got film back from my fav lab today… and apparently I need to do some light seal replacements (truly the joy of shooting film)

I quite like this photo though - from a rest stop as we were leaving Marbella to drive to Seville, a lovely view over the town of Ojรฉn.

A photograph overlooking a town of white buildings and terracotta roofs. The town is backed by a tree covered mountain side. Above the mountain is a blue sky with hints of wispy cloud. To the left of the frame are some like leaks that distort color.

monkeying around. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ“ธ.

Gibraltar, Dec 2023.

A sillouette of a monkey on a rock face, in the background there is a column of light from the sea framing the outside of the monkey.

I can’t stop thinking about the amount of intricate detail that fills the Nasrid palaces. Especially in comparison to the later parts that were built by the Spanish that are plain plaster and terracotta.

An intricate archway from inside the nasrid palace. The archway is pure darkness, but the surround is filled with intricate hand carved patterns in the stone. There are remnants of a deep blue paint that previously filled the engravings.

The sheer detail and craftsmanship that went into this place isโ€ฆ incredible. Iโ€™mโ€ฆ lost for words.

An intricate wall decoration with a mix of patterns and Arabic text. You can see remnants of ancient paint that has been faded or removed with time.

Today weโ€™re visiting Alhambra and I am very excited

Getting lost in sunsets by the sea ๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ“ท

A sunset over Spain and Gibraltar

Today weโ€™re exploring Alcรกzar. Exploring places with such a varied history is alway fascinating, but heartbreaking when you consider what was lost and destroyed.

An ornate floor of bright patterns inside geometric shapes.

๐Ÿ“ท. I’m enjoying a lot of the monkey photos from today - this one was very wistful for a while (before harassing some other tourists who presumably were foolish enough to pack food).

A monkey looking wistfully into the distance at profile to the camera. In the background you can see a distant Spanish City.

Day 2: Exploring Gibraltar - we met many good monkeys. ๐Ÿ“ท.

A Barbary Macaque on a wall looking slightly off camera, the background is mostly filled with trees.

Sierra Blanca, Marbella.

This trip is off to a lovely start, with a lot of light and peace. ๐Ÿ“ธ.

A black and white photo of a mountain behind a line of palm trees. The mountain has a deep texture in the rock due to harsh direct light.